Investor Relations

Investor Relations Investor Relations

Stock Information

Dividend Policy

With respect to dividends from retained earnings, Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co., Ltd. considers “returning profits to shareholders” as one of its priority management issues and makes it a basic policy to determine them, after giving due consideration to stable dividend payment and securing of internal reserves to prepare for future business development, based on the dividend payout ratio of 30% or more. The Company will appropriate the internal reserves for investment in enhancing production capability that will lead to the Company’s improved financial performance and reinforced business foundation, strengthening of cost competitiveness, and advancement of research & development for products that meet market needs.

Basic Stock Information

Fiscal Year

April 1 to March 31

Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Held in June

Notice of Convocation The 111th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Date and Time of Meeting : 10:00 a.m., Friday, June 27, 2024

Notice of Resolutions of the 111th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Record Dates

Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders & year-end dividend : March 31
Interim dividend : September 30
Other record dates are established as necessary with prior public notice.

Electronic Public Notice
If the Company is unable to give an electronic public notice because of an accident or any other unavoidable reason, public notices of the Company may be given in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.

Stock Exchange Listings

Tokyo Stock Exchange (Prime Market)

Stock Code


Authorized Number of Shares


Number of Shares Issued and Outstanding


Minimum Trading Unit



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