Company Information

Company Information Company Information

Director (Executive Officer) / Organization

Board of Directors

Representative Director President OGAWA Ikuzo Representative Director President OGAWA Ikuzo
Representative Director HAMATANI Kazuhiro Representative Director HAMATANI Kazuhiro
Director TOYA Takehiro Director TOYA Takehiro
Director MACHIDA Kenichiro Director MACHIDA Kenichiro
Director(Non-Executive Director) SHIGEMORI Takashi Director(Non-Executive Director) SHIGEMORI Takashi
External Director YOSHIMOTO Akiko External Director YOSHIMOTO Akiko
Director (Full-time Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) MICHIBATA Mamoru Director (Full-time Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) MICHIBATA Mamoru
External Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) KAWASAKI Masashi External Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) KAWASAKI Masashi
External Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) KISHIGAMI Keiko External Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) KISHIGAMI Keiko
External Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) YOSHIIKE Fujio External Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) YOSHIIKE Fujio

Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer OGAWA Ikuzo
Chief of Sustainability Promotion
Senior Managing Executive Officer HAMATANI Kazuhiro
Chief of General Affairs and Personnel, Legal, Internal Audit, Logistics and Procurement, General Manager of General Affairs and Personnel Office
Senior Managing Executive Officer TOYA Takehiro
Chief of Business Sector (Super Absorbent Polymers and Functional Materials)
Managing Executive Officer SHIGETA Hiromoto
Chief of the Creation of a Circular Carbon Economy
Managing Executive Officer MASUMOTO Hironobu
President of Seika Techno Services Co., Ltd.
Managing Executive Officer MACHIDA Kenichiro
Chief of Corporate Communications, Corporate Planning and Accounting, Information Systems and Business Reform Promotion, General Manager of Corporate Planning and Accounting Office
Managing Executive Officer UEMURA Kazuhisa
Chief of Engineering, Responsible Care, and Production Sector, in charge of AK Project, General Manager of Engineering Office
Managing Executive Officer KURIMOTO Isao
Chief of Technical Affairs, Intellectual Property, and Research & Development Sector, General Manager of Technical Office and Material Development Laboratory
Executive Officer YAMAGUCHI Kiyoshi
In charge of Sustainability Promotion, General Manager of Sustainability Promotion Office
Executive Officer MAEDA Nobuhiro
In charge of Technical Affairs
President of Seika Research Co., Ltd.
Executive Officer AOYAMA Satoshi
In charge of Business Sector,
General Manager of Super Absorbent Polymers Division and Functional Materials Division
Chairman of Sumitomo Seika (China) Co., Ltd.,
Sumisei Polymers Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and
Sumisei International Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.,
Executive Officer NAKAMURA Kenji
In charge of Production Sector,
General Manager of Himeji Works, and Planning and Coordination Office (Production)



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