Engineering PSAoxygen generator

Sumitomo Seika offers highly reliable PSA oxygen generators based on our extensive knowledge and technical capabilities to create the high-quality products that only a chemical manufacturer can, which we have cultivated in the manufacturing of various chemical and synthetic products. PSA oxygen generators provide a stable supply of oxygen at a lower cost than liquid oxygen.

What is a PSA (PVSA, VPSA and VSA) oxygen generator, Oxygen concentrator?

Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) oxygen generators are the equipment that produce oxygen at 90% to 93% purity using adsorbents to remove nitrogen gas from the air. The process is also known as pressure vacuum swing adsorption (PVSA), vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA), and vacuum swing adsorption (VSA). Taking advantage of the fact that the adsorption quantity of the adsorbent (synthetic zeolite) under pressure is greater for nitrogen than oxygen, these generators remove nitrogen in the air through adsorption under pressure to efficiently produce high-purity oxygen.
Because they can provide a stable supply of oxygen at a lower cost than liquid oxygen, they have been adopted at facilities that use large amounts of oxygen.

What is a PSA (PVSA, VPSA and VSA) oxygen generator, Oxygen concentrator? What is a PSA (PVSA, VPSA and VSA) oxygen generator, Oxygen concentrator?

Generator illustration

Generator illustration

Site area (two stories)

Site area (two stories)
Note: We will look into the installation area on a case-by-case basis based on generator specifications and scope of work.

Sumitomo Seika Strengths1 Solid Track Record

More than 100 projects completed outside of Japan, primarily in Taiwan and Southeast Asia

Sumitomo Seika products have been installed not only in Japan but in South Korea, Taiwan, Europe, Southeast Asia, Russia, and other areas around the world.
Our local partners, who are familiar with the circumstances in each region, provide support for installation.

Number of overseas deliveries and destinations (cumulative)

Number of overseas deliveries and destinations (cumulative)

From compact to large-scale: Our extensive track record includes various applications

We have a track record of deliveries to customers using our generators in various applications, including electric furnaces, non-ferrous metal smelting, glass melting, and melting furnaces.
For example, up to now we’ve had customers switch to Sumitomo Seika generators from others they had been using, and other customers who had been using liquid oxygen switched over to our PSA generators for their cost performance. We have also had customers who had been using air for oxidation and combustion install our PSA generators and see improved production efficiency by using oxygen enriched air.
Not only do we deliver directly to electric furnace and non-ferrous metal smelting users but we can also deliver through our local partners, such as gas suppliers that supply oxygen gas, companies that carry various machinery and equipment, and engineering companies in charge of plant construction.

Industries served

  • Electric furnaces
  • Non-ferrous metal smelting
  • Glass melting
  • Waste and sludge melting
  • Pulp bleaching
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Oxidation/combustion
  • Ozone generation
  • Oil refining
  • Electronic components
  • Others

Sumitomo Seika Strengths2 Extensive Lineup

Customized design according to production volume, oxygen concentration, and pressure

Sumitomo Seika can design small-, medium-, and large-scale generators according to the required oxygen production volume and other such requirements. We will custom design and fabricate a generator according to your desired oxygen amount, purity, and pressure as well as the method of operation and location of installation. Our energy-saving designs offer industry-leading energy (electric power) efficiency.

Number of deliveries by production volume

Number of deliveries by production volume

Our product lineup includes wide variety of generators that produce gases other than oxygen and recovery/refining equipment

Sumitomo Seika can address all kinds of concerns based on our wealth of knowledge and expertise that comes from having worked on a wide range of gas generators for many years.

  • Hydrogen gas generator (recovery and purification system)
  • Carbon dioxide gas recovery and purification system
  • Argon gas recovery and purification system
  • Helium gas recovery and purification system

Sumitomo Seika Strengths3 Rock-Solid Quality and Reliability

Technical capabilities to meet stringent quality requirements in Japan

Sumitomo Seika possesses solid engineering capabilities based on our wealth of knowledge and expertise as a general PSA manufacturer and our long track record, and our generators boast industry-leading energy (electric power) efficiency. Furthermore, the knowledge we have cultivated in meeting the strict quality standards of Japan has produced quality that has been recognized outside of Japan as well.

Stable supply with few mechanical problems

Sumitomo Seika PSA oxygen generators can provide a stable supply of oxygen for many years with few mechanical problems as long as the recommended maintenance is performed. In the rare event of a problem, our technicians are ready to provide courteous support.

Number of installations in Japan (cumulative)

Number of installations in Japan (cumulative)

Sumitomo Seika Strengths4 Reliable Support

On-site or remote for everything from installation to maintenance

Our PSA oxygen generators are fully automatic and are started and stopped with just the touch of a button. The status of operation can also be checked via the intuitive touch panel. In addition, we have supervisors dedicated to PSA oxygen generators to provide support for everything from installation to maintenance. These supervisors can provide advice at the work site or, if cameras are installed, can provide remote support. Even first-time users can use our generators easily and with peace of mind.

Reliable Support
Reliable Support

Product Information

Basic information

Principle Oxygen is separated from air utilizing the difference in adsorption quantity on synthetic zeolite between nitrogen and oxygen. (Patented)
  1. On-site oxygen production at lower cost.
  2. The purity of oxygen can be increased up to 93%. [ Ex. ]The composition of oxygen gas with a purity of 93% is as follows:
    Oxygen: 93%
    Argon: 4.5%
    Nitrogen: 2.5%
    Moisture: Dew point − 60℃
  3. Low running cost.
    Since a vacuum desorption system is employed, its power consumption is smaller than that of other system.
  4. Oxygen gas can be obtained immediately after start-up.
  5. Automatic control.
    System fully works automatically after start-up.
  6. Compact design
  1. Supply of oxygen for various kinds of furnaces
    Electric arc furnaces for steel making, smelting of nonferrous metals (copper, zinc, aluminum, etc.), glass making and various kinds of kilns.
  2. Pulp and paper industry
    Oxygen aeration and ozone bleaching
  3. Wastewater treatment facilities
    Oxygen aeration and ozone generation
  4. Chemical industry
    Various kinds of oxidation reactions
  5. Fermentation industry
  6. Pisciculture
  7. Others
General specification Please let us know your required volume of oxygen, purity, and pressure